Building Department

Our Building Department staff are responsible for providing information and assistance to homeowners, business owners, builders and design professionals during the construction and development of buildings. 

In our efforts to achieve healthy and safe living environments we:

  • Review permit applications and drawings for proposed construction;
  • Issue building permits;
  • Conduct routine building inspections;
  • Enforce minimum standards for non-compliance; and
  • Secure unsafe buildings


The Building Department is responsible for the enforcement of the Building Code Act, the Ontario Building Code regulations and ensuring that plans comply also with local zoning by-laws and other applicable laws and regulations. 

General Guidance

For general guidance please click the links below. It is important to note that the provided lists are note an all-encompassing list and for advice on whether your project requires a permit, please contact our Chief Building Official:

Chief Building Official
8 Hastings Heritage Way
Bancroft, Ontario K0L 1C0
E:   [email protected]
T:   613-332-3331 ext 207
F:   613-332-0384

Building Permit FAQ's

When do YOU NEED a permit?

  •  Construct a new building
  • Renovate, repair or add to a building
  • Demolish or remove all or a portion of a building
  • Change a buildings use
  • Install, change or remove partitions and load-bearing walls
  • Make new openings for, or change the size of doors and windows
  • Build a garage, balcony or deck or enclose an existing deck
  • Build a utility shed over 160ft2 (10x16) as of April 2022
  • Excavate a basement or construct a foundation
  • Install or modify any life safety or fire suppression system such as fire alarms, sprinkler or standpipe or fixed extinguishing systems
  • Install or modify heating, plumbing and air conditioning systems, fireplaces, fireplace inserts and woodstoves
  • Install kitchen or bathroom cupboards with plumbing
  • Reconstruct a chimney
  • Build a roofless deck over two feet above grade
  • To finish a basement or convert a room to a bedroom
  • To install a pool or hot tub
  • Erect signage
  • Install a septic system
  • When you intend to alter the grade of a property greater than one hectare (2.5 acres), or next to an environmentally sensitive area.

When you DO NOT NEED a permit?

  • Replace existing, same-size doors and windows, subject to distance from property lines
  • Install siding on small residential buildings, subject to distance from property lines
  • Build a utility shed under 160ft2 (10x16), but the shed must comply with the Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 2003-11. Sheds are not allowed without a primary use structure, and must have proper set backs from the property line.
  • Re-shingle a roof, provided there is no structural work
  • Install eavestroughs, provided that drainage
  • is contained on your property
  • Damp-proof basements
  • Paint or decorate
  • Reinstall/replace kitchen or bathroom cupboards without plumbing.
  • Erect a fence (except swimming pools and outside hot tubs require permits)
  • Electrical work (the Electrical Safety Authority, however, must inspect electrical installations)

Building / Zoning Compliance Letter Request

The fee for a Zoning Compliance Letter is $100.00. To request a Zoning Compliance letter, kindly fill out the form here. For questions pertaining to this letter, please contact the Chief Building Official at [email protected] , or via phone at (613) 332-3331 extension 207.

Building Permit or Inspection Request

Building Fees

For inquires on building fees, please contact the Chief Building Official at 613-332-3331.

Septic Re-Inspection Program

The Town of Bancroft has established a septic re-inspection program to ensure that current septic systems are functioning properly. A leaking septic system can pollute the environment, and more specifically, your drinking water.  

In 2006, the Clean Water Act received Royal Assent to ensure the protection of Ontario’s municipal drinking water sources. 

The Ontario Building Code was amended by O.Reg 315/10 to provide the legislative authority for “on-site sewage systems” (septic system) inspections in source protection areas. Source water protection is very important for environmental health, human health, wildlife, and recreational use. This is important because protecting water sources can reduce the risk and exposure of contaminates in the Town’s water systems.  

If you have received a letter from the Township indicating that your property is within the area that has been designated within this program, we have mailed out a questionnaire that we hope you will complete before your inspection. If you wish to complete it digitally and return it via email, please use the link below.






What is a Septic Re-Inspection? 

Our inspectors perform a non-invasive visual observation of any existing septic systems for signs of failure including pooling water, sewage break-out, and malfunctioning systems.  


Is there a Financial Cost for the Septic Re-Inspection Program? 

No. Currently, there is no charge for the septic re-inspection program. However, if there are repairs or the septic systems, for example if it requires pumping out, the property owner is responsible for the potential cost. If your system is found to require repairs and a re-inspection, additional fees apply.  


Are all Properties being Inspected? 

No. If you have received a letter in the mail about the septic re-inspection program, your property is within the area that has been designated within this program. For the beginning of this program the Town has focused its efforts on properties near Bancroft’s source of drinking water, Clark Lake.  


Should I Pump my Septic Tank out First? 

No. Don’t pump out your tank prior to inspection. Typical amounts of septage in your septic tank are required in order to conduct a proper inspection and to determine the overall health of your tank.  


What Happens if I Fail the Inspection? 

You will need to fix any deficiencies identified by the building department before you can pass the inspection.