Tax, Zoning, & Utility Certificate Request Form

Tax, Zoning, and Utility Certificate Request Form

I am requesting a (please check 'yes' to all that apply):

Tax Certificate  

Zoning Compliance Letter  *Please allow up to 15 business days*

Utility Certificate 

Firm Information

Firm Name: 

Requesting Solicitor: 

Mailing Address: 



Postal Code: 

Contact Name: 

Phone Number: 


Email:  Would you like to recieve the certificate(s) to this email address? Yes No 

Fax Number: 

Your File Number: 

Property Information

Roll Number: 1262 

Utility Account Number: 

Property Address: 

Legal Description: 

Current Owner(s): 

Party (Seller/Purchaser?): 

Purchaser's Name: 

Purchaser's Address:

Closing Date: 

Date Required: 

Special Considerations/Requests: 

If you have any further details regarding your request, kindly send your formal request letter to [email protected], or via fax at (613) 332-0384.

Fee Payment - $85.00 for a Tax Certificate, $100.00 for a Zoning Certificate, $35.00 for a Utility Certificate 

Please indicate method of payment *

Online using VISA or MasterCard  - To fill out a credit card payment form after submission. Link is on the main page of website.

 I will be paying by cheque 

(if you require the certificate(s) in a timely manner, please fax a copy of the cheque to (613 332-0384)

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the status of your certificate(s), kindly contact our office at (613) 332-3331.

Security Measure