Water and Waste Water

The Town of Bancroft operates a water plant and a waste water treatment plant, with contract management services provided by Veolia North America.



General Information / Budget Details

For access to general information/resources/budgets, please click here.

Water/Waste Water Billing

The Town is responsible for water and wastewater readings, billings and collection services.  All inquiries regarding your water consumption should be forwarded to the Town of Bancroft.

Water and wastewater billings are issued bi-monthly.  The bill amounts are determined by the current rates and the consumption of water as registered by the customer’s water meter.

Frequently Asked Questions

If I have questions regarding my bill, who do I call? Please contact our Utility Department at 613-332-3331 ext: 203

How often will I receive a water wastewater bill? You will receive a bill bi-monthly

How do I set up a water wastewater billing account? Contact our Utility Department at 613-332-3331 ext: 203

How can I pay my water wastewater bill? You can pay your bill at your Financial Institution, online, mail cheque, or at the Municipal Office

Who do I call if there are problems with my water meter? Town of Bancroft at 613-332-3331 ext: 203

I’m moving, what do I do? C
ontact the Utility Department to provide move out date and new mailing address for final bill

My bill is considerably higher, what is the cause of this?  Your water bill is likely due to an increase in water usage. Your water usage may increase for may reasons:
- More people in your household
-Running or dripping tap
-Seasonal usage
-Water cooled air conditioning
-Leaky plumbing
-Water softeners
-Leaky lawn sprinkler system
-Running or Leaky toilet

Toilets are commonly responsible for water leaks. The dye test process could help you determine if a toilet could be the source:
1. Clean your toilet bowl and tank, and remove any type of sanitizing product that changes the colour of your water. Flush the toilet until the water in the tank and bowl looks clear. 
2. Take the lid off the tank and set it aside in a safe place. Squeeze a few drops of food colouring into the tank so the water achieves a deep colour. Do not flush the toilet. 
3. Leave the toilet alone for 30 minutes, and don't allow anyone to use it. 
4. Observe the water in the toilet bowl for for any changes in colour resulting from the dyed water in the tank leaking into the bowl . If the bowl water is clear, there's no leak from the tank. If the bowl water looks as if the dye has penetrated it, most likely your flapper valve needs to be replaced. 
5. Add a few drops of food colouring to the toilet bowl water after you've determined the tank doesn't leak. 
6. Wipe the entire exterior of the toilet with a dry, white paper towel. 
8. Observe the paper towel for any colour streaks as you wipe different areas of the toilet. Colouring around the base of the toilet could indicate a worn wax ring, while streaks from the underside of the tank could mean a leaky fill valve, spud washer or bolt gasket. 

Reading a water meter to detect a water leak
1. Make sure that you have turned off any faucets or appliances that may use water. 
2. Locate the "flow indicator" on the face of your water meter. Write down the reading or take a picture of the face, avoid using any water.
3. Check the reading again in 30 minutes. If the number is higher that it was 30 minutes before, you may have a leak.
*** If the indicator is turning, moving, or shaking, that is another indication that water is flowing through your meter and you may have a leak***

Water and Sewer Contract (Pre-Fillable)

All residents on Town water and sewer must fill out a contract. To do so, please click here.

Water and Sewer Contract (PDF Version)

Water Meters and Repairs

The Municipality issues water and sewer bills once every 2 months.  The bill is based on metre readings for approximately a 2 month period of time.  If a reading cannot be taken, an estimate will be made based on historical consumption until an actual metre reading can be taken. If you have any questions or concerns about your metre, please contact the Town of Bancroft at 613 332 3331.

During Business Hours
There is a $140.00 plus tax fee per trip for a water services to be shut off or turned on.

After Business Hours
There is a $280.00 plus tax fee per trip for a water services to be shut off or turned on.

2025 Miscellaneous Water and Wastewater Rates, Fees and Charges are aviableable by clicking HERE

Water Conservation

Lawn Care

  • Raise the height of the blade on the lawn mower so that grass is never less than 1.5 inches; longer grass has stronger roots, crowds out weeds, requires les water and helps the soil retain moisture longer. 
  • Leave the grass clippings on the lawn as they contain valuable nutrients which help grass develop stronger root systems and help retain moisture. 
  • A thorough, less frequent watering encourages deeper, healthier lawn roots, making for a stronger, greener lawn. 
  • Water your lawn for only 1/2 to 1 hour at a time.  Most lawns only need approximately one inch of water per week.
  • Never water your lawn throughout the night
  • Many types of spinklers can lose as much as 50% of water to evaporation - using a soaker hose directly waters the lawn with no loss to evaporation. 

Garden Care

  • Add a mixture of peat moss and compost to your garden - this provides valuable nutrients making for healthier plants, but the soil will actually retain moisture longer
  • Add a layer of mulch, approximately two to four inches in depth to your garden
  • Use plants which are native and are drought resistant 
  • Use rain water collected from your downspout into a rain barrel for watering plants - its better for your plants than tap water
  • Use direct watering methods which soak the area around the plants, such as a soaker hose

Miscellaneous Property Care

  • Use a broom to clean off your driveway instead of hosing it down
  • Instead of sing a hose use a bucket to wash vehicles 
  • Putting a cover on your swimming pool reduces evaporation
  • Fix leaky faucets as soon as possible - one drip per second can amount to 60 liters of water per day
  • Fix leaky toilets as soon as possible.  Leaky toilets are also big water wasters - wasting as much as 750 liters of water per month 

Effective June 15 to September 15
Use of hoses for watering lawns etc. is permitted ONLY between 8PM and 9AM, and in accordance with the schedule below;

Service Line Warranties of Canada (SLWC)

Did you know?
Water and sewer service lines connect a homeowner's property to the Town's water and wastewater systems. Homeowner's are responsible for repairs to the portion of water and sewer service lines located on their property. If a leak, break or clog occurs in the private portion of these lines, the homeowner is responsible for hiring a plumber or contractor and paying any of the associated repair costs. A breakdown to these lines could happen without warning resulting in an unexpected and costly emergency repair. The lifespan of a service line depends on many factors including construction material, soil conditions and use and the location, number and species of nearby trees.

While not typically covered by basic homeowner's insurance, residents are encouraged to check with their current provider to find out what their coverage is in this area, and to arm themselves with information such as deductible amounts and exclusions or con firm if coverage is offered as an add on.

Residents may also consider coverage from an external service plan provider.

Service Line Warranties of Canada (SLWC)
SLWC logo

The Town of Bancroft has partnered with Service Line Warranties of Canada (SLWC), an independent company, to offer eligible homeowner's optional repair plans which can help protect residents against potentially expensive emergency repairs to water/well service lines or sewer/septic lines on their private property. The partnership with SLWC provides a way to increase a homeowner's awareness of their responsibility for these costs, while offering an optional solution for those who would like to participate.

Participation is optional and voluntary for homeowner's. The program is solely managed by SLWC and uses no public funds. Residents will not be solicited in person or by phone. A homeowner who chooses to enroll in this program should do so with the knowledge that the Town of Bancroft in no way warrants or is liable for the work or performance of SLWC.
Residents who choose to sign up for a plan have access to these benefits:
• A repair hotline available 24/7, 365 days a year
• Pay $0 for covered repairs up to a benefit amount
• Repairs performed by an insured and licensed plumber
• One-year guarantee on covered repairs

Plans available in the Town of Bancroft:
• Exterior Water Service Line coverage - $5.00 per month + any applicable taxes
• Exterior Sewer/Septic Line coverage - $7.25 per month + any applicable taxes
• Interior Plumbing and Drainage Coverage - $6.50 per month + any applicable taxes

For more information:
Click here:  visit SLWC PLANS 
• Toll-free phone number: 1-844-616-8444
• Ask SLWC a question:  email [email protected]
• Or to learn more on how this partnership works, please view this video: HOW THE PARTNERSHIP WORKS

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Who is SLWC?

SLWC is an independent company, separate from your local utility or community. SLWC is partnered with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and plans are available in over 70 municipalities across Ontario.

How is the SLWC program advertised?

SLWC occasionally sends letters directly to residents with information on homeowner responsibility and information on their available plans. The envelopes will include the SLWC logo and the Town logo to verify this is a legitimate and vetted program. SLWC will never solicit in person or by phone. SLWC plans are 100% optional.

How can I stop getting mail from SLWC?

To be removed from future mailings, contact SLWC directly at the email [email protected].

Why did Bancroft partner with SLWC?

There are several benefits the voluntary SLWC program brings to Bancroft and its residents, including:
• Educating residential property owners about their responsibilities for the maintenance, repair and replacement of water service and sewer lines (portion from their homes to the property line) – at no cost to the Town of Bancroft.
• Assuring the Town of Bancroft that all repairs are performed to code and that all appropriate permitting is pulled.
• Reducing expense to property owners and the Town of Bancroft because the service plans encourage residents to report exterior water service and sewer/septic leaks in a timely manner. Timely exterior water service line repairs conserve water and reduce water loss for the Municipality. Timely sewer/septic line repairs also minimize wastewater pollution, helping the environment.
• Resulting in fewer calls and involvement of Town of Bancroft personnel regarding infrastructure that is the responsibility of property owners saves overall taxpayers money.

Doesn't my homeowner's insurance already cover these repairs?

Typically, no. Most homeowner's are surprised to learn that they are responsible for the repair and replacement of broken or leaking utility lines on their property. While most basic homeowner's policies will pay to repair the damage created by failed utility lines, they typically do not cover the cost of the repair of the line itself. SLWC encourages residents to call their insurance company to determine their actual coverage.

Does this coverage include well or septic lines?

Yes, coverage provides for repair or replacement of well and septic lines. It does not include septic tanks or any other type of collection bank.

Why does SLWC use the Town of Bancroft logo in its marketing materials?

The Town of Bancroft allows SLWC to use its logo in communications to indicate that there is a formal relationship in place and to let residents know that the offering is legitimate, it is for the residents' benefit and has the approval of the Town of Bancroft. All mailings SLWC sends to Bancroft residents are first reviews and approved by Bancroft staff prior to use.

SLWC is committed to transparency in all its communications. All SLWC materials clearly state that the services the company offers are voluntary and that they are offered by SLWC, a private company that is separate from the Town of Bancroft.

Sign-Up for Pre-Authorized Payments

To sign up for pre-authorized payments on your water and sewer account, please click here. For any questions or concerns, please contact the Utility Billing Clerk, at utitlites@bancroft.ca, or by phone at (613) 332- 3331 Ext. 203. 

Utility Certificate Request Form

The fee for a Utility Certificate is $35.00. To submit a request for a Utility Certificate,  kindly click here. For questions or concerns pertaining to this certificate, please contact the Utility Billing Clerk, at  utilities@bancroft.ca or via phone at (613) 332-3331 Ext. 203.

Inflow and Infiltration

For inflow and infiltration information and resources, please click here.